Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Books 57 and 58 reviews and book 59

Day 65

Busy and tiring day today, but I know I need to get these written. I finished two books yesterday and one today. Today I also went to the doctors, the library, to pick up food, and to the gym and now my head is aching and all I wish to do is sleep, so now to the reviews.

Book 57: The Island of Dr. Moreau

Author: H.G. Wells
Genre: Classics, Science Fiction
Pages: 209
Series: No
Purchased or Borrowed: Borrowed from the library
Date Read: March 4, 2013

3 stars

Edward Prendick is shipwrecked when he is picked up by a boat full of strange animals and saved by a man named Montgomery. Montgomery is returning to a remote island with the animals and a peculiarly disfigured gentleman. Once on the island he meets Dr. Moreau, a man who left England to continue the strange experiments that had left him an outcast in the first place. Prendick is soon fighting for his life against the island's strange inhabitants.

I decided to read this book after I read The Madman's Daughter which was based upon this novel. The book was interesting and there were some plot ties to the other book which made it interesting to read. It was a quick and easy read, though definitely a bit out there with its subject matter but intriguing nonetheless.

Book 58: Princess of the Silver Woods

Author: Jessica Day George
Genre: Fantasy, Young Adult
Pages: 336
Series: Yes, book 3 of 3
Purchased or Borrowed: Borrowed from the library through Marina
Date Read: March 4, 2013

4 stars

This is the final installment in the trilogy about the dancing princess. Princess Petunia is the youngest of twelve sisters and until she was seven she was forced to dance every night in the Kingdom Under Stone. Now Petunia is on her way to visit a kindly grandmotherly figure when her carriage is accosted by bandits and soon Petunia finds that both the grandmother, and the bandit and Earl, Oliver are not who they appear to be. The girls are dragged back into the Kingdom Under Stone in the evil effort to enact a decades old curse and with the help of Oliver as well as others they just might be able to win.

So I've read the other two books in this series and was definitely looking forward to reading this book and I enjoyed it. It takes on the tales of Red Riding Hood and Robin Hood with a new twist. The book is full of magic, danger, secrets, and love so it is an enjoyable mixture and an easy read. I liked reading the tale of the dancing princesses, and have read something similar previously with the book Entwined which I loved.

Book 59: Stardust

Author: Neil Gaiman
Genre: Fantasy
Pages: 333
Series: No
Purchased or Borrowed: Borrowed from the library
Date Read: March 5, 2013

3.5 stars

Tristran, a young man of half-fairy parentage and hopelessly in love decides to cross the Wall to fairy-land and bring back a fallen star for his love. It turns out that the star is an injured and hot tempered woman who is less than pleased that Tristran has decided to keep her captive. They begin to make their way back to Wall but encounter many adventures and dangers on their way, many from others who are determined to get the star for themselves.

I found a list on Goodreads about books that were turned into movies. I love the movie Stardust and surprisingly had not heard that it was based off a popular book. The author, Neil Gaiman is a popular one, and I read one of his books early on in this challenge and did not particularly enjoy it. The opposite was true here. I think it is hard when I read a book and then end up comparing the movie to it, which is generally why I try to read the book first and keep that as the forefront in my mind. But that was not the case here and I ended up generally comparing the book and the movie. In some ways the book was better, there were more adventures and things were well described. Surprisingly though, there were a lot of ways in which the movie was actually better. The love story was told more in depth as well as the adventures, and I enjoyed the ending a lot more in the movie than I did in the book.

Now, time for sleep. Hopefully if there is snow tomorrow I'll be snuggled up inside reading to catch up! :)


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